The most severe moment is coming, let's talk about some views on wealth accumula

  • 2024-07-06

When discussing the current macro environment, I feel it is as biting, cold, and negative as the cold wave that is currently sweeping across the nation. It is said that this year is a year of extreme cold; so, in 2024, how will China's economy fare?

The pandemic has indeed left us with many lingering effects, akin to the "scar effect," which is difficult to heal for a while. Coupled with the fragmentation of the global trade structure and significant changes in the international environment, I believe that a lack of confidence leading to insufficient effective demand is a significant issue observed in the operation of the macroeconomy.

Some entrepreneurs and young consumers I know have lowered their expectations for future economic prospects and income levels.

I predict that in the investment system, there will be a certain positive contribution to economic growth in 2024, but the room for imagination will not be too great. In the consumption sector, even with bank interest rates being lowered again and again, their stimulating effect on the economy remains ineffective. The savings rate remains high, and money in people's pockets has turned into immobile capital in banks. Even in 2024, consumption will not fully recover, but there will be a moderate rebound.


2024, the most challenging moment is about to arrive. How to achieve "wealth accumulation"? Let's talk about it today...

1. Strengthening risk resistance is a "required course" for everyone.

As I understand, some young people around me are particularly bold, using leverage to the extreme, and have very poor risk resistance. Once they encounter an economic downturn, layoffs, they can only abandon their properties at the first moment, which is also the reason why there are more and more foreclosed properties now.

Therefore, the ability to combat risks at the individual and family level needs to be put on the agenda. Everyone should ask themselves, if your job comes to a halt, do you have the ability to survive on your own?Let me share a true story with you. Not long ago, a friend of mine had an elder in their family knocked down by a small car. Fortunately, it wasn't too serious, but they still had a minor surgery and were hospitalized for over a month.

The accident disrupted the family's daily routine instantly. My friend had to take their child to and from school, help with homework, accompany the hospitalized family member at night, manage household chores, and take time off to deal with the accident at the traffic police station. On top of that, they had to bring endless work home to handle. They said that during that time, they could fall asleep as soon as they hit the bed and never suffered from insomnia.

To be honest, this incident had a significant impact on me as well. I did some reflection and made plans. No one knows which will come first, tomorrow or an accident. It's essential to enhance the family's risk resistance and not to rely on luck or procrastinate and avoid the issue, or it could lead to endless pain.

Financial management, insurance, and sufficient savings are excellent ways to resist risks, at least providing some financial assistance.

2. Let me outline some financial management methods for families:

Savings: It's common knowledge that you can't make money by saving in a bank. The current one-year fixed deposit rate is only 1.5%, and the demand deposit interest rate is essentially zero. Saving in a bank is equivalent to losing money. The downward trend in interest rates is still a major trend.

I did a comparison, and if you have liquid money, it's better to save in Alipay instead of flying to Hong Kong to save money or taking a high-speed train to the neighboring city to take advantage of high-interest deposit certificates. Alipay offers flexible access, and currently, there's a method to waive the service fee for up to 300,000 in a year. You just need to upgrade to a Wealth Black Card.

Gold: There are quite a few people buying gold this year, but gold cannot resist inflation. Its price fluctuates and is strongly related to the national situation. The pricing power is mainly determined by the US dollar, so whether you can make money is not certain.

After upgrading to the Wealth Black Card, the institution also provided a market analysis on gold. I took a look, and the content is quite valuable. Those who have a need to buy gold can consider it comprehensively.Funds: I've been on the sidelines for a while, but recently the funds I've been keeping an eye on have become cheaper. I believe that the market downturn presents a good long-term investment opportunity, and it's time to significantly increase my holdings.

I purchased 300,000 worth of funds on Alipay. Normally, the transaction fee for buying 300,000 worth of funds would be 300,000 * 1.5% = 4,500. However, since I had previously upgraded to the Wealth Black Card, I enjoy a privileged discount rate of 10%.

So, the calculation is 300,000 * 1.5% * 0.1 = 450, which means I saved a solid 4,050. This winter is particularly cold, and I've essentially saved enough for a Canada Goose down jacket.

Funds: What's there to say about this situation... retail investors really can get taken advantage of. When it comes to "money making money," I believe in "letting professionals do professional work."

Having a dedicated financial advisor with the Black Card is quite appealing; you can schedule a phone call or chat online, and they will help you address issues and manage risks more rationally.

Especially in the unpredictable capital market, the reality for ordinary people entering the market is akin to running around naked. Of course, if you're someone who dislikes communication due to social anxiety, the Wealth Black Card service is quite considerate. It provides a comprehensive range of services including market fluctuations, analysis, and interpretation, allowing you to study on your own. After all, as the saying goes, "the teacher leads you through the door, but you must walk the path yourself."

Insurance: In the past, I was also annoyed by various insurance sales pitches, only purchasing the mandatory car insurance. However, after experiencing some events, I have a renewed understanding of insurance and have proactively arranged some basic insurance for my parents, myself, and my spouse.It's often said that insurance can be a minefield, with the potential for claims to be denied. Reading through the dense fine print of claim details can be overwhelming. However, the Black Card offers an insurance concierge service; just ask away, it's the right choice. Families with the means should really consider getting it, as it can provide a safety net in critical times.

3. Money is not only earned but also saved.

Why is it that some people who earn the same amount as you live a more comfortable life? There is a difference between those who spend money wisely and those who spend it recklessly. Being stingy means calculating everywhere and being unwilling to spend money, while those who know how to spend money can easily control their finances and make money work for them.

Especially in today's environment, money should be spent where it's most needed, making the benefits of the Wealth Black Card particularly valuable.

For instance, you can get a free fuel card worth 1200 yuan per year—this is a big saving that must not be missed! There are also 12 annual high-speed train VIP lounge privileges. Let me tell you, I believe everyone needs a VIP lounge during travel. For example, a few days ago when I was on a business trip to Shandong, there was heavy snow for several days, and the high-speed train was delayed. The waiting room was packed with people. Without the VIP lounge, I think I would have collapsed at the train station.

The essence of freedom is not wealth but the autonomy of time, which is why the wealthy value their time so much. The Wealth Black Card's monthly benefits of three airport fast-track security checks and private car services are really practical. For everyone, time is the most equitable thing, and saving time is cherishing life.

There are also 12 free Starbucks drinks, various membership benefits, and so on.

We all hope to upgrade our wealth, but we don't know how to control spending. Bank credit cards or savings cards don't offer these benefits.


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