A headache, how to get new users of financial products to complete their first p

  • 2024-05-29

The development of financial technology has also brought about revolutionary changes to traditional financial services, allowing users to conveniently conduct financial transactions through mobile devices, thereby enhancing the user experience. However, there is a nagging issue: how to encourage new users of financial management products to make their first purchase? This article analyzes and summarizes this issue, hoping to provide you with some inspiration.

1. Background and Project Objectives

1.1 Industry Development Background

(1) Financial technology drives the transformation of traditional businesses

The rapid development of financial technology has brought disruptive changes to traditional financial services, enabling banking cards, credit cards, and financial products to gradually achieve online and intelligent services. Users can conveniently conduct financial transactions through mobile devices, which has improved the user experience.


(2) The rapidly growing mobile payment market

With the swift expansion of the mobile payment market, the application of banking cards and credit cards in daily consumption has become more widespread, creating new opportunities for financial business. This provides a huge market potential for combining financial products with banking card and credit card services.

(3) The increasing demand for personalized financial services

Consumers' demands for financial services are becoming more diverse, with an increasing number of people focusing on personalized and customized financial management plans. It is necessary for banks to combine banking cards, credit cards, and financial products to achieve one-stop financial services.(4) Regulatory policies tend to encourage innovation

In the context of regulatory policies gradually encouraging financial innovation, banks have the opportunity to integrate credit card, debit card, and wealth management product services to create a comprehensive financial service platform that better meets market demands.

1.2 How should bank-type wealth management products develop?

(1) One-stop financial services

Banks or wealth management platforms integrate debit card, credit card, and wealth management product services to provide users with one-stop financial services, enabling rapid fund transfers between accounts, and facilitating users to carry out purchase, redemption, and other operations.

(2) Customized wealth management recommendations

By analyzing users' debit and credit card consumption records, preferences and needs are unearthed, and intelligently recommend wealth management products that match individual characteristics, enhancing the effectiveness of targeted marketing.

(3) Credit card points for wealth management product redemption

Introduce credit card point redemption for wealth management products or promotional activities, encouraging users to use credit cards for consumption and participate in wealth management services, promoting a cycle of consumption and investment within the APP.(4) Offline Scene Linkage

In collaboration with offline partner merchants, provide users with preferential discounts and reward points for financial products through bank card and credit card consumption, enhancing the recognition of bank financial products among users.

(5) Cross-Product Collaboration

Integrate financial products with other financial services, such as loan repayment discounts and credit card limit increases, to promote user participation in financial management through various channels.

(6) Support Green Finance and Socially Responsible Investment

Actively promote green finance and socially responsible investment, incorporating environmental protection and sustainable development factors into the design of financial products, meeting market demands and enhancing the corporate image.

In the future, the APP needs to continuously innovate and optimize product features, fully integrate bank cards, credit cards, and financial services, and provide users with personalized and convenient financial services.


1.3 Objectives

Currently, the conversion rate for first-time purchases on a certain financial management APP is relatively low. Therefore, it is necessary to design a guidance and ice-breaking plan for new users to increase the conversion rate of first-time financial product purchases.II. Analysis of User Financial Management Pain Points

2.1 Lack of Understanding of Financial Products

New users often have insufficient knowledge of financial products and investment strategies, which may lead to concerns and hesitations. To alleviate this pain point, financial education content can be provided, such as articles, video tutorials, etc., to help new users quickly learn and grasp basic investment knowledge.

2.2 Low Risk Tolerance

New users may worry about investment risks and fear losing their principal when purchasing financial products. To address this issue, risk assessment tools should be provided to recommend suitable financial products based on the user's risk tolerance and fully disclose risk information in product introductions.

2.3 Complex Purchase Process, Uncertainty about What to Buy, How to Buy, and How to Sell

New users are generally unfamiliar with the process of purchasing financial products. They may not know what products are available on the platform, which products are suitable for them, how to buy these products, what buying strategies to adopt, how to sell these products, and what selling strategies can maximize profits. Detailed, concise, and engaging new user operation guides can be provided, along with online customer service or dedicated account managers to answer any questions new users may encounter during the purchase process.2.4 High Perception of Purchase Threshold

Some novice users may feel that purchasing financial products requires a relatively high initial investment amount, thus perceiving a high threshold. To make it easier for novice users to participate in investing, financial products with low thresholds and small trial investments can be introduced for them.

2.5 Lack of Trust

Novice users may lack trust in purchasing financial products online, worrying about the safety of their funds. To enhance user trust, it is necessary to emphasize the platform's compliance, security measures, and partnerships with well-known financial institutions.

2.6 Lack of Interaction with Peers, Low Purchasing Enthusiasm

Novice users may feel lonely or helpless due to the lack of social interaction. A community feature can be established to allow novice users to share experiences, ask questions, and communicate, creating a positive user interaction environment.III. Competitor Analysis

For new users, more well-known financial platforms have dedicated pages for new users, known as the "New User Guidance Page". Through analysis, the main focus of the competitive product features is on the following points:

(1) Guiding new users to complete their first purchase

Major financial platforms commonly use coupons, discount vouchers, virtual gold, red packets, and other methods to attract new users to make their first purchase and achieve conversion. These incentive measures can effectively increase the registration and activity of new users, and reduce the loss rate.

(2) Providing investment education and advisory content

For novice users, competitive platforms usually offer targeted educational and financial product recommendation services such as investment education and advisory services, helping new users quickly understand and get started with financial management. Through the imparting of professional investment knowledge, new users can better understand the investment market and quickly identify financial products that suit them.

(3) Building a private domain traffic for financial management

Some financial platforms will guide users to join WeChat groups or other social platforms to provide in-depth financial exclusive services. The construction of this private domain traffic can establish closer user connections, increase user stickiness, and improve the user life cycle value.

(4) Financial stories based on user psychology

Competitive platforms will design targeted financial stories for different types of users, enhancing user immersion and satisfying users' desire to follow trends and be influenced by community recommendations. By showcasing successful cases of other users, they can stimulate new users' investment desire and confidence.IV. Optimization Plan

4.1 Analysis and Suggestions for Financial Management Module Issues

4.1.1 Issue Analysis

Based on the analysis of the pain points of new users in financial management and the analysis of competing products, the following issues may exist in the [APP-Finance-Financial Management] module:

(1) Lack of guidance for new users

There is no dedicated guidance page set up for new users, nor is there a refined functional design for both new and old users.

(2) Insufficient investment education, advisory, and guidance functions

There is a lack of investment education and related advisory functions, or these functions are not prominent within the APP. There is a shortage of purchase guidance functions for new users, leading to new users not knowing what to buy, how to buy, or how to sell.

(3) Insufficient construction of private traffic

The construction of private traffic is inadequate.Not making full use of social platforms such as WeChat groups to establish private domain traffic and enhance user stickiness.

(4) Lack of community guidance

The absence of community-oriented guidance leaves new users lacking in peer interaction and experience sharing when purchasing financial products.

4.1.2 Optimization suggestions for new users

(1) Design a dedicated guidance page for new users

Create a dedicated guidance page for new users to introduce the platform's features. Provide new users with coupons and activities to attract them to make their first purchase, reducing the threshold for purchase and allowing users to feel the value of the purchase.

(2) Improve investment education and advisory functions

Increase investment education content, such as articles and videos, and provide advisory services to help new users understand investment strategies. Design a simple and easy-to-understand purchase guide to lead novice users through the entire process of purchasing financial products for the first time. At the same time, optimize the layout to make related functions easier for users to discover.

(3) Build a private domain traffic system

Guide users to join WeChat groups or other social platforms, providing in-depth financial services exclusive to them, enhancing user stickiness, and increasing the lifetime value of users.(4) Promote Community Building

Create an online community where novice users can share experiences, ask questions, and interact. Showcase successful cases from other users to stimulate the investment desire and confidence of new users.

(5) Design Financial Stories Based on User Characteristics

Design targeted financial stories for different types of users to enhance their sense of identification and meet their psychological needs for following trends and community recommendations.

4.2 Detailed Feature Design for New User Guidance

Based on the existing financial module and the optimization suggestions analyzed above, design a new user guidance page specifically.

4.2.1 [Activity Guidance]

Design the [Activity Banner Page] feature, which offers new users first-purchase gifts, discounts, virtual gold, red packets, and other promotional activities to attract more users to register and try to purchase financial products, increasing conversion.

Design the [Activity Pop-up] feature, which displays exclusive activities for new users, such as red packet collection, when they browse to the financial module without having made their first purchase.(1) Significance for Users

Reduce the cost of trial: By offering promotions such as first-purchase gifts and discounts, the cost for new users to try purchasing financial products is reduced, increasing their willingness to purchase.

Enhance trust: Providing benefits like virtual gold and red packets allows users to experience the platform's high-quality service during actual operations, increasing their trust in the platform.

Increase user stickiness: Encourage users to conduct more transactions on the platform through various promotional activities, fostering long-term usage habits.

(2) Content Design

Design attractive activities regularly with an emphasis on fun and gamification, such as cash red packets, discount coupons, full reduction coupons, group buying, time-limited challenges, sign-in check-ins, inviting friends to register for red packets, exclusive high-yield financial products for newcomers, and dedicated account managers. In this article, the design of such activities will not be specifically dissected.

(3) Operational Methods

Multi-channel promotion: Utilize multiple channels for activity promotion, such as in-app push notifications, WeChat groups, and social media, to expand the influence of the activities.

4.2.2 [Join the Official WeChat Group]

Design the feature to [Join the Official WeChat Group], guiding app users to join the official WeChat group to build a private traffic pool, enabling real-time interaction and information transmission with users, and enhancing user stickiness and brand loyalty.Translate the following text into English:

(1) Significance for Users

Real-time information acquisition: In the official WeChat group, users can obtain the platform's latest activities, preferential policies, and market dynamics in a timely manner.

Efficient problem resolution: When users encounter issues, they can directly consult with official customer service or other users in the WeChat group to quickly receive answers and assistance.

Social interaction: The WeChat group provides a social space for users to get to know each other, communicate, and share experiences, which helps to build a positive financial community atmosphere.

Exclusive benefits: The official WeChat group will regularly offer exclusive benefits within the group, such as red packet events, free courses, etc., to increase user engagement and stickiness.

(2) Content Design

Material production: Design an operation guide to encourage users to join the official WeChat group, including QR codes, step-by-step instructions, and other materials.

Group activity planning: Organize a variety of group activities, such as quiz contests, sharing sessions, etc., to enhance user engagement. These can be conducted in conjunction with the activities mentioned in 4.2.1, reaching users through multiple channels.

Topic initiation and guidance: Regularly initiate group discussions on topics to guide users to share insights and experiences, enriching the content within the group.

(3) Operation Methods

[The original text ends here, so the translation for (3) is not provided as there is no content to translate.]Push Invitation: In addition to the fixed guidance position here, you can also invite users to join the official WeChat group through APP push notifications, SMS, and other forms, and inform them of the benefits and activity information within the group.

Group Operation: Assign a dedicated person to be responsible for the daily management work within the group, including maintaining order, answering questions, and publishing content.

4.2.3 [One Investment Knowledge Per Day]

Design the [One Investment Knowledge Per Day] feature to help users gradually accumulate investment and financial management knowledge by providing a small piece of investment knowledge every day, thereby improving their investment skills and risk prevention awareness. The financial tips can be linked with the official WeChat group, and it only requires the operator to produce and configure them online daily.

(1) Significance for Users

Accumulation of Common Sense: Systematically learn investment knowledge to help users form a comprehensive investment concept and framework.

Enhancement of Investment Skills: By continuously encountering new knowledge, users can improve their ability to respond to market changes and seize investment opportunities in practical operations.

Cultivation of Investment Habits: Spending a small amount of time every day to learn investment knowledge will help cultivate long-term and stable investment habits.

Improvement of Risk Awareness: Learning investment knowledge will make users more aware of investment risks, thus avoiding blind investment and decision-making errors.

(2) Content Design

[Please provide the content design details for the "One Investment Knowledge Per Day" feature as per the original text.]Organize existing resources: Extract concise and easy-to-understand investment knowledge points from existing investment and financial management articles, tutorials, and other content.

Operation team creation: Write professional and easy-to-understand investment knowledge content for popular investment topics or market trends.

External collaboration: Cooperate with financial institutions, professional investors, etc., to share high-quality investment knowledge resources.

(3) Operation methods

Multi-channel linkage: In addition to deploying in this functional module, it can also be deployed within the established WeChat groups.

4.2.4 [Three Steps to Financial Management]

Design the [Three Steps to Financial Management] feature, creating a simple and easy-to-understand guide to lead novice users through the entire process of purchasing financial products for the first time. By guiding users step by step to understand the various financial products, purchase strategies, and sale strategies on the platform, it helps novice investors make better investment decisions.

The first step is to tell users "what to buy," what financial products our platform offers, such as money market funds, bond funds, annuities, etc. The second step is "how to buy," what strategies are available for purchasing, such as one-time purchase, batch purchase, etc. The third step is "how to sell," what the selling strategy is, such as target profit-taking, batch profit-taking, etc.

(1) Significance for users

Clarify investment goals: Let users understand the various financial products and their characteristics provided by the platform, making it easier for them to choose the appropriate investment products according to their own needs.Learn to Purchase Strategies: Teach various purchasing strategies such as one-time buying, buying in batches, etc., enabling users to flexibly apply them and reduce risks.

Master Selling Techniques: Introduce selling strategies like target profit-taking, selling in batches, etc., to help users maximize profits at the right time.

(2) Content Design

What to Buy: List in detail the common financial products offered by the platform, such as money market funds, bond funds, etc., and explain the product features, returns, risks, etc.

How to Buy: Introduce various purchasing strategies, such as one-time buying, fixed investment, buying in batches, etc., and analyze the conditions and scenarios suitable for each strategy.

How to Sell: Explain selling strategies, including target profit-taking, selling in batches, regular adjustments, etc., and how to flexibly apply these strategies according to market conditions.

4.2.5 [Wealth Management Stories]

Design the [Wealth Management Stories] feature to create a community of wealth management stories. By sharing small stories of different people's wealth management experiences, provide users with practical and feasible investment experiences and methods. This helps them better understand wealth management strategies, adjust their mindset, and stimulate investment interest, thereby increasing user stickiness to the APP.

(1) Significance for Users

Learn Practical Experience: By reading small stories of different people's wealth management, users can understand the problems and solutions they may encounter in the actual operation process, providing a reference for their investment decisions.Expanding Horizons: A variety of financial stories can expose users to diverse financial ideas and strategies, which helps to broaden their investment perspectives and find suitable financial methods for themselves.

Adjusting Mindset: By analyzing successful or failed investment cases, users can recognize the risks and rewards in the financial process, learn to remain rational, and cultivate the correct investment mindset.

Social Interaction: Users can exchange experiences and lessons learned in the comments section, forming a financial community, and increasing user engagement and activity.

(2) Content Production

User Submissions: Encourage users to share their real financial stories by setting up submission channels and reward mechanisms to motivate more users to participate.

Expert Interviews: Interview successful investors or professional financial advisors to understand their investment insights and suggestions, and compile them into interesting and practical content.

Operation Team Creation: Content can be created based on market trends, hot topics, etc., to provide high-quality financial stories.

Content Collaboration: Collaborate with financial media, self-media, etc., to share high-quality content resources.

(3) Operation Methods

Content Recommendation: Use algorithms to provide personalized recommendations to users, ensuring that the content matches their interests and needs.Thematic Activities: Regularly hold thematic events such as "Best Financial Management Stories" to attract users to participate and share, enhancing the community atmosphere.

User Interaction: Implement features like comments, likes, and shares to encourage user interaction and communication, forming a positive community effect.

V. Interaction Design and Visual Design Requirements

The interface should be simple and clear, highlighting core functions and guiding user participation.

Use interesting visual elements and animation effects to increase user interest and engagement.

Maintain a unified style in accordance with the design specifications of the APP system platform.

VI. Assessment Metrics and Launch Strategy

6.1 Data Assessment MetricsTranslate the following text into English:

1. Registration Rate: Focus on the number of new registered users and the effectiveness of registration channels.

2. New User First-Purchase Rate: Focus on the proportion of new users who make their first purchase of financial products to the total number of new registered users.

3. Churn Rate: Focus on the number of new users who do not make their first purchase after registration and the reasons behind it.

4. Repurchase Rate: Focus on the proportion of users who have completed their first purchase and make another purchase of financial products.

5. Event Participation Rate: Focus on the click-through rate of event pages, coupon redemption rate, and redemption rate.

6. Feature Usage: Track the click-through rates, usage counts, and duration of use for various features to analyze user preferences and needs.

6.2 Launch Strategy

By conducting an A/B test, users are randomly divided into two groups, one group adopts the new user optimization plan, and the other group maintains the current features unchanged. By comparing various data indicators between the experimental group and the control group, the effectiveness of the optimization plan is evaluated. In the early stages of the A/B test, control the number of users in the experimental group to observe preliminary effects. If the effects are good, gradually expand the scale of the experimental group, and eventually fully launch the optimization plan.

It is necessary to pay close attention to the changes in various data indicators and iterate and optimize in response to issues. For example, if the event participation rate is low, adjust event planning and page design; if the repurchase rate is low, optimize user experience to increase user retention.Seven, Risk Assessment

When implementing the above plan, it is necessary to pay attention to the relevant financial compliance risks. Here are some potential compliance issues and countermeasures.

(1) Risk assessment and disclosure: Ensure that users complete a risk assessment before purchasing financial products and fully understand the associated risks. To avoid misleading users, it is necessary to clearly disclose information about the product's returns, terms, risks, and so on.

(2) Capital security: Ensuring the security of user funds is the core responsibility of financial institutions. It is essential to ensure that user funds are effectively safeguarded during the process of purchasing financial products and to prevent potential fraudulent activities. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that activities such as group buying and coupons are conducted within the scope of legality and compliance.

(3) Content review of postings: In the community interaction function, content review of user-posted messages is required to prevent the dissemination of false or misleading financial information. A dedicated review team and a defined review process can be established to ensure the accuracy and compliance of the content posted.

(4) Prevention of conflicts of interest: It is important to ensure that promotional activities, group purchases, and other features do not affect the independent judgment of investors. For example, when promoting financial products, personalized recommendations should be made based on the user's risk tolerance rather than solely considering the product's sales performance.

(5) User privacy protection: During the implementation of the plan, it is essential to ensure that user privacy is fully protected. For the collection, storage, and use of user information, compliance with relevant laws and regulations is required, and user consent must be obtained. At the same time, strict data encryption and security measures should be taken to prevent data leaks.


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