After 3 million in debt, I paid off my debts in 3 years. What is my idea of ​​ma

  • 2024-07-02

Do you remember that rainy night three years ago? I was huddled in the corner of my rented room, with a pile of demand notices and IOUs in front of me. A debt of 3 million was like a mountain, pressing down on me and making it hard to breathe. At that moment, I felt as if fate had played a huge joke on me.

How did I get to this point? Business failure, investment mistakes, fraud traps... various factors intertwined, pushing me into the abyss. Every day when I woke up, I was thinking: how should I face the creditors' calls today? Before going to sleep at night, I was pondering: where should I go to borrow money to get by tomorrow?


Life was like an absurd comedy, and I was the protagonist, yet I couldn't laugh.

Just when I thought everything was irretrievable, a chance encounter changed the course of my life.

That day, I saw an old man selling homemade handicrafts at the subway station. Although the items were very ordinary, the old man's face was filled with a happy and satisfied smile. This scene made me realize: perhaps, I had been going in the wrong direction all along.

I began to introspect: what exactly caused me to fall into such a situation? Was it because I was too focused on chasing those illusory successes, while neglecting the more precious things in life?

With this question in mind, I started my own "comeback plan."

Step one: Face reality and list all debts

I spent an entire week listing all my debts and sorting them by interest rate. This process was painful but necessary, much like disinfecting a wound. Only by knowing how deep the wound is, can the right treatment be applied.Step Two: Open Source and Reduce Expenditure, Increase Income

I began to seek various ways to increase my income. I worked during the day and took orders to write copy for social media in the evenings; on weekends, I worked as a sales promoter in shopping malls; I even took advantage of my spare time to complete online surveys. Every penny was hard-earned, but it also gave me a sense of hope.

At the same time, I minimized my living expenses. I learned to cook for myself, saying goodbye to takeout; I bid farewell to brand-name clothing and started shopping at street stalls; I even learned to cut my own hair. Every penny saved was used to repay my debts.

Step Three: Learn Financial Management, Let Money Breed Money

During the process of repaying my debts, I realized my ignorance in financial management. Therefore, I began to systematically learn about financial management. From basic budget management to complex investment strategies, I eagerly absorbed the knowledge.

Gradually, I not only mastered my own financial planning but also began to provide financial advice and assistance to friends around me. This not only improved my financial situation but also guided me to discover a new direction in life.

Step Four: Innovative Thinking, Seeking OpportunitiesI gradually cultivated an innovative perspective to examine everything around me. For instance, I noticed that many people have a need for financial management but are confused about how to start. Therefore, I decided to share my financial experiences on social media, gradually attracting a group of loyal followers.

Later, I launched an online financial management course, systematically imparting my experience to others. This not only brought me considerable income but also gave me a deep sense of satisfaction on the journey of helping others.

Step Five: Adjust Your Mindset and Stay Optimistic

In this process, I found that adjusting my mindset was crucial. I no longer saw debt as a burden but as an opportunity to rediscover and reshape my life.

I developed the habit of writing a gratitude journal every day to capture and record every beautiful moment in life. This habit allowed me to maintain an optimistic attitude even during the most difficult times.

Three years later, today, when I finally paid off my last debt, tears flowed involuntarily. This not only gave me a financial relief but also a spiritual rebirth.

Looking back on this experience, I found that I gained much more than I lost. I learned financial management, self-discipline, and how to keep hope in adversity. As an old saying goes: "A blessing in disguise." Sometimes, what seems to be a predicament might be a chance given by heaven for us to rediscover and reshape our lives.

If you are also in a debt predicament now, do not give up hope. Remember, this is just a phase of life, not the end. As long as we face it bravely and strive to change, we will surely see the dawn of hope.

Ultimately, life is like a rich book, and financial difficulties are just a small chapter within it. When you bravely turn this chapter, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that even more splendid stories are waiting for you to create ahead.In conclusion, what I would like to say is that the mindset for making money is not mysterious. It requires us to face reality, increase income and reduce expenses, learn about financial management, think innovatively, and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude throughout the process. Remember, everyone has their own unique strengths. Find it, utilize it, and you will surely be able to create miracles!


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